Consultel Solutions

Leadership Team

Guhan Bala

Guhan Bala

Head of Consultel Solutions

Guhan Bala

Guhan Bala is the Head of Consultel Solutions, and he leads the growth strategy and customer development programs for the business. Guhan has 20 years of in-depth IT and consulting leadership experience. Guhan joined us from DXC Technology where he was Managing Partner. Previously he has held Executive and Leadership roles at Avanade (subsidiary of Accenture), IBM Global Business Services and PwC Consulting.

John Reynolds

John Reynolds

Senior Resource Consultant

John Reynolds

John has 30+ years experience in the recruitment industry specialising in the telecommunications industry. John had 20 years’ experience as an telecommunications expert, as a Telecommunications Engineer, Consultant and Senior Project Manager working within the ICT sector.

Sally Clifton

Sally Clifton

Head of Customer Development and Experience

Sally Clifton

Within Consultel Solutions, Sally is responsible for developing brand enhancement strategies and customer experience initiatives. The amalgamation of Marketing and CX  allows us to build a stronger marketing and customer service alignment that will ensure our brand promises are being delivered through an individualised customer experience.